Office of Compilation and Production of Educational Materials
Sunday 10/26/2014



Office of Compilation and Production of Educational Materials


Undoubtedly, the compilation and production of educational materials play an important role in laying the ground for the growth of self-acceptance, innovation and creativity in students and nurturing students’ domestic religious and cultural values, and obviously in this way, production of science would be actualized as well. So, regarding the fact that the system of instruction at PNU is based on several media, the most important of which is self-study texts and also contemporary with the advancement of information communication technology and inauguration of inter-Islamic network on virtual universities in PNU, the compilation and production of educational materials, particularly the production of the interactive, electronic and web-based materials, has gained much importance and this office has become one of the main offices of the university with the chief duty of producing educational materials based on the world standards. Noteworthy to mention that since PNU foundation, 1900 titles have been complied and produced, i.e. about 100 titles annually, and 95,247,800 volumes have been published in this office, i.e. about 6,000,000 volumes annually.

From among major productions of this office, it can be referred to the followings:

·         Electronic books (e-books): 50 titles

·         Web-based materials: 150 titles

·         Interactive CDs: 55 titles

·         Audio CDs: 544 titles

·         Visual materials: 230 titles

And the average of the circulation for each title is explained below:

·         Faculty of Basic sciences: about 10,000-15,000 volumes

·         Faculty of Engineering: about 8,000-10,000 volumes

·         Other faculties: about 220,000 volumes




